sábado, 10 de maio de 2008

Declaração para "terminar" com a condição de sem-abrigo

European Parliament Written Declaration on ending street homelessness 111/2007 adopted 10 April, 2008: FEANTSA and its members are delighted to announce that the Written Declaration on ending street homelessness 111/2007 has been adopted by the European Parliament. 438 signatures were collected from Members of the European Parliament (MEP's) from all political groups and all European Member States.
In signing the declaration, the European Parliament (EP) has sent a clear political message that the issue of street homelessness is an urgent one across Europe and must be tackled in a determined and focused way.

FEANTSA believes that the adoption of the Declaration is an important step in the fight against homelessness, giving renewed impetus for follow up initiatives. FEANTSA calls for this commitment to be debated in national parliaments and for concrete steps for ending homelessness to be elaborated, both on a national and EU level.

Information on the Written Declaration

A written declaration is a tool for Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to launch or re-launch the debate on a matter falling within the European Union's scope of activities. It consists of a text of max. 200 words, which needs to be signed by at least half of the MEPs within a time limit of three months.
A cross-party written declaration on ending street homelessness has been registered last December by MEPs Mary Lou MacDonald (GUE/NGL, Ireland) Claude Moraes (PES, United Kingdom), Jacek Protasiewicz (EPP-ED, Poland), Gérard Onesta (Greens/EFA, France) and Jean-Marie Beaupuy (ALDE, France).

It calls:

on the Council to agree on an EU-wide commitment to end street homelessness by 2015;
on the Commission to develop a European framework definition of homelessness, gather comparable and reliable statistical data, and provide annual updates on action taken and progress made in EU Member States towards ending homelessness;
urges Member States to devise "winter emergency plans" as part of a wider homelessness strategy

in: http://www.feantsa.org/code/en/pg.asp?Page=963

Para verem a declaração vejam o texto publicado neste blog em Março.
Estamos todos de parabéns!

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